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UConn Entertainment Group Fall Jam


The UConn Entertainment Group is a group dedicated to supporting, marketing and aiding local UConn musicians in the production and release of their independent music. President Jacob Stockholm created this group in the Fall of 2017 with a group of friends and spent the whole first year as a tier 1 organization. They ironed out the kinks and logistics, and tried to spread the word of this up and coming club. Now, a year later, they have upgraded to a tier 2 club, they have a dozen new members (including artists) and have successfully thrown their first event.

Fall Jam

On Saturday, November 10, the UEG threw their first concert event. The venue was the home of Vice President Mike Labrecque. Club members arrived early to clear out a space in the basement to set up equipment and adorn the walls with tapestries and string lights. What was once a dark basement turned into a intimate, indie-bohemian chic concert venue with a PA system, keyboard, drum set, and a few guitars. The soft scent of incense hung in the air as the artists did sound checks. Guests began to arrive around 9.

9 O’Clock - Mo Woods

Freshman Mo Woods was the first act. As a 17 year old from Bridgeport, Mo said he hasn’t performed in front of a real audience before. “No, I’m not nervous, I’m excited,” he said. He went on stage alone, rapping to self-produced beats. The audience was rowdy and began to sing along once they knew the words. Mo’s dancing and effortless delivery gave off a care-free and friendly vibe. A perfect opener.

9:25 - J.R. Specs

The next performance was another rapper with the pseudonym J.R. Specs. As a sophomore at UConn, Specs has a well established fan base that he modestly described as “just a group of loyal friends.” He hyped up the crowd with beats that shook the ground and shocking lyricism.

10 O’Clock - Kids That Fly

After JR Specs left the crowd with high energy, the first band made their way to the stage. Kids That Fly is a four piece band with a bassist, drummer, lead guitarist and singer. They began their set with a cover of the popular song 1985 by Bowling for Soup and a short jam of the Drake & Josh theme song. The crowd went wild for these two well known tunes and it bridged the gap perfectly between the hip hop and rock vibe. Next, they played a few original songs that were driven by melodic guitar and strong vocals.

10:35 - The Commentary

The last group that would perform was a group of jazz musicians that called themselves The Commentary. Throughout the set, they swapped out singer and various instrumentalists to feature on songs. The vibe was smooth and chilled-out as the crowd unwound and relaxed.

11 O’Clock

After The Commentary played their last song, the crowd reluctantly headed upstairs, where musicians mingled with their audience. Snippets of conversations included talk about the show and inquiries for the next one. This was my first chance to see the whole group of people in the light--it was quite an eccentric scene. Every demographic of UConn was represented in this group composed of people that otherwise would never have met. Live music brings people together in a way that nothing else can. The energy was unmatched by any other UConn event I’ve been to this far. I think the UConn Entertainment Group is going to do big things, and I am excited to see what they have in store.

Contact @uconnentertainmentgroup on instagram to get involved!

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